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The aim of the project is to promote the integration of immigrants in the three partner countries by developing the teachers' and educational institutions competence profile and helping participating immigrants to find their own paths to further studies and the labour market. The means of achieving goals is to change good practices and to develop together easy-to-understand materials in such basic skills, like digitality, communication etc., customized to the target group.


The aim of the project is to promote the integration of immigrants in the participating countries by the following means;

  • Helping to find one’s own path in the further studies and to find a suitable job
  • Promoting understanding of the Nordic society
  • Adopting active citizenship
  • Self-directedness and responsibility
  • Understanding the concepts of quality and democracy in practice
  • Better communication skills
  • Developing the teachers and educational institutions competence profile
  • Sharing good practices between partners

 Means to achieve the aims:

  • developing and testing  customized easy-to-understand materials for the target group
  • educating teachers in producing materials for teaching and tutoring
  • educating immigrants using the produced materials.